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Welcome To Year 5

This half term, we will be enriching our writing skills in English as a result of taking a narrative journey with The Snowman.   For our reading, we will unlock the treasures of our historical fiction text Street Child.  We will also finely hone our spelling skills as we press into the joy of unravelling spelling rules and putting them into practice.  For maths, we will develop our confidence with multiplication and division, ensuring we comprehend key vocabulary such as multiples and factors.  Following this, the focus will be on fabulous fractions, including converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. 


In science, we will study forces.  This will include investigating air resistance and water resistance.  For geography, the focus will be identifying the features that make The Alps a successful tourist attraction. For French, we will learn how to convey information about animals! In design and technology, we will explore strength and stability of bridges and then create our own model bridges.  In music, we will gain confidence with identifying styles of jazz.  We will be celebrating differences in P.S.H.E. and examining how Christian worship can look different across the world in R.E.   

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